
Email Marketing

What Is Email Marketing?

Build a Loyal Community Around Your Brand


When it comes to generating and converting leads, there isn’t a more powerful digital marketing tactic than email marketing.

Studies show that despite the growth and prominence of mobile messengers and chat applications, nearly 61 percent of consumers prefer facilitated brand interactions via email – and this preference extends across genders and age groups.

The widespread usage and increasing global relevance of email make email marketing more critical than ever before.

What is email marketing? Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy used by thousands of businesses worldwide to create brand recognition, drive sales and build client relationships.

The Importance of Email Marketing

Many marketers wonder why email marketing is important when social media platforms are so widely available and social media visitors have grown exponentially over time. But here’s the thing: People still go to their emails to find special deals from the brands they are interested in. In fact, 44 percent of users check their emails for brand promotions, whereas only four percent go to social media platforms for ad campaign details.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. With the plethora of opportunities that web email marketing offers, you are closer to driving more conversions for your business.

Not yet convinced about why email marketing is important for brand growth? Here are more reasons investing in an email marketing campaign service is essential:


We will establish an efficient strategy for your business enhancement. Furthermore, we will define the objective of the campaign so that we may reach your best audience very easily. Hence, the Insofti Digital Marketing team develops a content strategy to convey what your company’s message should be as well as how we will speed up your sales.



The most appropriate way to enhance your email list is to advertise your lead magnets. Moreover, you would need to use our Social Media Marketing or Search Engine Marketing services to do it. We will advertise your lead magnets on search engines or social media to generate more leads.


We will establish an efficient strategy for your business enhancement. Furthermore, we will define the objective of the campaign so that we may reach your best audience very easily. Hence, the Insofti Digital Marketing team develops a content strategy to convey what your company’s message should be as well as how we will speed up your sales.



We Email Marketing Company will very closely monitor your contact’s engagement on an ongoing basis. We ensure to confirm that you have an authentic engaged email list & will do routine list maintenance. Furthermore, our company will remove unengaged subscribers from your email list to avoid a negative impact on your email deliverability.


we will deliver reports each month to break down your marketing evaluation. The main objectives we focus on are subscribers, click-through rates, open rates & conversions. We will fully analyze, review and strategize to better these results every month.

Our Partners

Email Marketing

Break through the clutter and engage your customers with email campaigns as unique as their online behaviors wherever they are — automatically and at scale.